d q staking validator $(d keys show <NORIA_WALLET> --bech val -a)
Unjail validator
d tx slashing unjail --from <NORIA_WALLET> --chain-id --gas-prices 0.0025unoria --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto --yes
Signing info
d query slashing signing-info $(d tendermint show-validator)
Token operations
Send tokens
d tx bank send wallet <DEST_WALLET_ADDRESS> 100unoria --from <NORIA_WALLET> --chain-id --gas-prices 0.0025unoria --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto --yes
Delegate token to your validator
d tx staking delegate $(d keys show <NORIA_WALLET> --bech val -a) 100unoria --from <NORIA_WALLET> --chain-id --gas-prices 0.0025unoria --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto --yes
Delegate token to another validator
d tx staking delegate <VALOPER_ADDRESS> 100unoria --from <NORIA_WALLET> --chain-id --gas-prices 0.0025unoria --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto --yes
Redelegate tokens to another validator
d tx staking redelegate $(d keys show <NORIA_WALLET> --bech val -a) <TO_VALOPER_ADDRESS> 100unoria --from <NORIA_WALLET> --chain-id --gas-prices 0.0025unoria --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto --yes
Unbond tokens from staking
d tx staking unbond $(d keys show <NORIA_WALLET> --bech val -a) 100unoria --from <NORIA_WALLET> --chain-id --gas-prices 0.0025unoria --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto --yes
Withdraw all rewards from staking
d tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards --from <NORIA_WALLET> --chain-id --gas-prices 0.0025unoria --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto --yes
Withdraw validator rewards and comission
d tx distribution withdraw-rewards $(d keys show <NORIA_WALLET> --bech val -a) --commission --from wallet --chain-id --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0025unoria -y
Vote "YES"
d tx gov vote <proposal_id> yes --from <NORIA_WALLET> --chain-id --gas-prices 0.0025unoria --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto --yes
Vote "NO"
d tx gov vote <proposal_id> no --from <NORIA_WALLET> --chain-id --gas-prices 0.0025unoria --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto --yes
Abstain from voting
d tx gov vote <proposal_id> abstain --from <NORIA_WALLET> --chain-id --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas auto --gas-prices 0.0025unoria -y