Advantages of using our free service:
Our monitoring service is working on dedicated server (24/7 online)
No need to install database (InfluxDB)
No need to install and configure Grafana Dashboard
On Grafana dashboard you will find all necessary metrics of your node (we use this monitoring service by ourselves, so we've configured dashboard properly)
One line installation:
OR Manual installation of telegraf and monitoring script
Install telegraf
You can check telegraf service status:
Status can be not ok with default Telegraf's config. Next steps will fix it.
Get files from this project repo and copy variable script template
Insert your parameters to
full path to osmosis binary to COS_BIN_NAME ( check
which d
)node PRC port to COS_PORT_RPC ( check in file
)node validator address to COS_VALOPER ( like
Save changes in and enable execution permissions:
Create telegraf service for osmosis-mainnet-node monitoring
Edit telegraf configuration
Restart telegraf service
Dashboard interface
Dashboard has main cosmos-based node information and common system metrics. There is a description for each metric.
Go to our comunity dashboard and select you node from the server list:
Mon health
Complex parameter can show problem concerning receiving metrics from node. Normal value is "OK"
Sync status
Node catching_up parameter
Block height
Latest blockheight of node
Time since latest block
Time interval in seconds between taking the metric and node latest block time. Value greater 15s may indicate some kind of synchronization problem.
Number of connected peers
Jailed status
Validator jailed status.
Missed blocks
Number of missed blocks in 10000 blocks running window. If the validator misses more than 500 blocks, it will end up in jail.
Bonded status
Validator stake bonded info
Voting power
Validator voting power. If the value of this parameter is zero, your node isn't in the active pool of validators
Delegated tokens
Number of delegated tokens
Version of d binary
Vali Rank
Your node stake rank
Active validator numbers
Total number of active validators
Other common system metrics: CPU/RAM/FS load, etc.
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